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Oosouji: the Japanese method to clean the house deeply

Oosouji: the Japanese method to clean the house deeply

The term Oosouji is an ancient Japanese discipline that means “the great cleaning” , but in reality it goes far beyond cleaning, since in addition to ensuring order within the home, it also brings peace to spaces and restores energy and vitality. lost to the home, which generates a positive reaction on the health of the inhabitants of the house. To achieve this, the Oosouji proposes letting go of the past to look toward the future and presents cleansing as a healing and spiritual component.

Its main objective is contribute to the order of the home, so you have to do it as a family and you have to take into account that furniture will have to be moved, baskets and drawers will have to be emptied, and then everything will have to be put back in its place. This method becomes an excellent opportunity to reorganize everything, from the physical to the emotional, taking into account that the Order brings peace of mind . So if you are ready to organize your home and improve your lifestyle, read on and discover all about Oosouji.

What tasks does Oosouji cover?

He Oosouji goes beyond an afternoon of deep cleaning and this is the list of tasks that have to be completed:

  • Deep clean spaces.
  • Check closets.
  • Say goodbye to everything that no longer serves us, is broken or we no longer like.
  • Settle payments and invoices.
  • Forget nostalgia and throw away everything that has no use.


But Oosouji is more than a list of tasks , it is a method designed to help. The first recommendation is to clean from top to bottom , that is, you should start cleaning from the top like the ceilings, clean walls, remove dust from furniture and work your way down, finishing with tasks for the floor such as vacuuming, sweeping. or mop.

Another recommendation is to follow the clockwise route when cleaning a room so that the cleaning begins and ends at the same point. This creates a cycle and represents a way to “close the circle” to leave the old chaos or dirt behind. Another important recommendation is to start the tasks in the deepest rooms of the home until you reach the hall and finish at the entrance.

Wellbeing as a goal

Oosouji seems like a cleaning method like any other, where the goal is to clean the home and get rid of everything that no longer has a use, but in reality this method has a much deeper meaning where general well-being is the main objective.

With this in mind, it is important to understand that this cleaning method helps eliminate bad feelings or bad energies in the home, so when doing this cleaning you must take the opportunity to get rid of objects. that bring any negative feelings and in this way sad memories are eliminated.

Besides, This method helps increase the well-being of everyone in the home , since clean places cause a pleasant feeling that goes beyond the physical and makes the mind also feel calmer and more receptive. So if you're ready to clean your home and improve your peace of mind, you'll love the Oosouji.


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